DC Baseball

The Montreal Expos have been unceremoniously uprooted and shipped to Washington D.C., the first time the nation’s capital has seen Major League Baseball since 1971. As some people will do a contest was convened to see who could come up with the best name. Here are some examples of D.C. residents, baseball fans, and angry Canadiens*…

D.C. Shock & Awe

The Warlords

The Bombers

The WMD’s

The Pre-Emptive Strikes

The Chicken Hawks

The Imperials

The Freedom Fries

The Ashcroftettes

The Bushistas

The War Mongers

Anacostia Crack Heads

DC Oxy-Contins

The Washington Green Backs

The Whistling Dixies

Arrogant Fascist Bastards

The Lesser Evils

The Partisan Pin Heads

Washington Consensus

Capital City Conspirators

Washington Shit Heads

Bipartisan Coalition

The Dunderheads

Political Impotence

More names will be posted.

*Note: The derivatives of Dick Cheney’s name were too obscene to republish.